
圖片來源: Scott Webb




(1) both放複數名詞前面,作限定詞表數量:
both cats / both the cats (差別在於是否加上the來指定)
both of the cats (差別在於of,因為給了範圍也就加上the來指定)
both my cats / both of my cats (同上面的概念, 只是把the改成所有格)
例: both the cats –> both these/those cats
both of the cats –> both of these/those cats

(2) both放代名詞後面(無論是主格還是受格),作同位語補充
we both -> We both like reading. -> The teacher likes us both.
Both of us like reading. The teacher likes both of us.
大部分母語人士較喜歡both of + 代名詞受格的講法,聽感問題
The teacher likes us both. (可理解,文法也對)
The teacher likes both of us. (可理解,文法也對,聽感更佳)

(3) both本身可作代名詞使用,前提是你有上文讓聆聽者知道你指的是什麼
I have two cousins. Both are 34 years old. (both指的是那兩位表哥)
Applicants for this job must be able to speak Chinese or English, preferably both.

(4) both可作連接詞,搭配and使用(前後詞性要一致)

Jack is both handsome and clever. (形容詞+形容詞)
George likes both Marry and Jenny. (名詞+名詞)

(5) both搭配動詞時,注意擺放位置(一般動詞之前,be動詞之後)
We both like to play sports. (一般動詞之前)
They are both very friendly and elegant. (be動詞之後)

(6) 延續第5點,both不用在否定句,both應改成neither,and改成nor,且neither視同單數
Both of my brothers don’t play sports. (X) 母語人士不這樣說
–> Neither of my brothers plays sports. (neither視同單數)
Both my father and my mother aren’t talking. (X) 母語人士不這樣說
–> Neither my father nor my mother is talking. (neither視同單數)


(1) both放名詞前面:
Both these kitties are very cute. (這兩隻小貓都非常可愛)
Jack likes both Marry and Tina. (Jack喜歡Marry跟Tina)
Both of your sisters are very beautiful. (妳的兩個姊姊都很漂亮)

(2) both放代名詞後面:
We both went to the party. (我們倆都去參加了派對)
Sandy brought them both. (Sandy把他們倆都帶來了)
I like both of them. (我喜歡他們倆)

(3) both本身可作代名詞使用:
I have two cousins. Both are 34 years old. (我有兩個表哥,他們都34歲了)
Applicants for this job must be able to speak Chinese or English, preferably both.
She met two new friends yesterday. Both were working in the city hall.

(4) both作連接詞時:
Jack is both handsome and clever. (Jack又帥又聰明)
Lucy hates both Marry and Jenny. (Lucy討厭Marry跟Jenny)
I love to eat both pasta and pizza. (我愛吃意大利麵和披薩)

(5) both搭配動詞時:
We both like to play sports. (我們倆都喜歡運動)
They are both very friendly and elegant. (她們倆都非常友善又優雅)
We both work from home. (我們都在家工作)

(6) 否定句時:
Neither of my brothers plays sports. (我們兄弟倆都不運動的)
Neither my father nor my mother is talking. (我父母都沒在講話)
Neither of them was ready to race. (他們倆都還沒準備好要比賽)




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