這應該是許多大小學員心中的疑問,shoes (鞋子)到底是單數還是複數呢?
正確答案: 其實shoe(s)為可數名詞,單複數都可使用。
亦可搭配量詞: a pair of 來使用。
單獨使用 shoe(s):
I like your new shoes. (我喜歡你的新鞋)
My shoes are black. (我的鞋子是黑色的)
Kevin lost his left shoe yesterday. (Kevin昨天弄丟了左腳的鞋子)
David’s right shoe is missing! (David右腳的鞋子不見了)
搭配 a pair of 時:
I want to buy a pair of shoes. (我想買雙鞋)
Could you show me that pair of shoes? (你能讓我看看那雙鞋嗎?)
This pair of shoes is quite expensive. (這雙鞋相當貴)
Two pairs of shoes would cost $3000. (兩雙鞋要3000元)
英式英文用法可能會把 a pair of shoes 視為複數的名詞,
This pair of shoes are quite expensive.
而美式英文則大多將 a pair of shoes 視為單數名詞,
就看說話的人是將 a pair of shoes 當作一雙鞋 或是 兩隻鞋來看待。